Naked-nape stargazer
(Uranoscopus oligolepis)

Image source: Jo's Animal Database


Species: Uranoscopus oligolepis

General data

Scientific names: Naked-nape stargazer
Habitat: Saltwater
Climate: Tropical
Distribution: Pacific Ocean, Indian ocean

Head and body depressed, compressed posteriorly. Top of head with bony tubercles, shallowly concave. Depression on interorbital space not exending to line connecting posterior rims of orbits. Lower edge of preoperculum with 4 spines. Cleithral spine large and stout. Scales large, 47 to 51 in longitudinal series; nape naked. Anterior nostril tubular. Respiratory valve inside lower jaw forming a very long filament. Two dorsal fins, the first fin black with white area at base and with IV or V weak spines, the second dorsal fin with 12 soft rays; anal-fin rays 13. Body and head olive brown, white below; without distinctive colour markings.

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