Marbled stargazer
(Uranoscopus bicinctus)

Image source: Jo's Animal Database


Species: Uranoscopus bicinctus

General data

Scientific names: Marbled stargazer
Habitat: Saltwater
Climate: Tropical
Native to coasts of: Asia, Australia & Oceania
Distribution: Pacific Ocean, Indian ocean

Indo-West Pacific: India east to Indochina, then north to Japan and China to the Philippines, Indonesia and Australia.

Max length : 29.5 cm TL; max. published weight: 453 g

Dorsal spines (total): 4 - 5; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-14; Anal spines: 13.

Indonesian form has pale body with dark blotches. Body dark brown with 3 distinct broad black bands. Respiratory valve inside lower jaw with a thick orange tentacle.

Found above 100 m on sandy gravel bottom. Lives on muddy substrates and rarely observed. Hides in sandy bottoms and sucks up animals with sand and debris into the mouth.

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