Black acara
(Cichlasoma bimaculatum)


Species: Cichlasoma bimaculatum

General data

Scientific names: Black acara
Habitat: Freshwater
Climate: Tropical
Introduced: North America

South America: Orinoco River basin, in the Caroni in River Venezuela; Guianas, from the Essequibo River to the Sinnamary River; Amazon River basin, in the upper Branco River basin.

Max length: 30 cm TL (female); common length : 12 cm TL

Occurs in canals and swamps. Tolerates low oxygen. Feeds on crustaceans and insects. Males are bigger than females which become mature at 7 to 9 cm (20-25 g). Spawning occurs at the start of the rainy season. About 700 eggs are spawned on open substrate and are cared for by the parents.

The Black Acara was first reported as introduced to Florida in 1965. Native to Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, western French Guiana, and northern Brazil, the species is now distributed throughout Florida’s southern peninsula.

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